Tauranga Air Show 2014

Its Auckland day long weekend and there’s jet fuel in the air.

As usual during my lunch break from work I pedaled my little bike on down to the airport…a little busier than usual. Normally I sit there alone and relax whilst a few cessnas practice taking off and landing, gyroplanes hover about and the odd Air NZ turboprop ferrying passengers. But today was a bit odd a few more people listening to the tower and a couple flashy cameras, I thought “this is odd, lets hang about and see what going on”. I didn’t have to wait too long before a handful of Harvards decided to do a fly by at 10m, do a lap and land. Then a kittyhawk, P-51D mustang, Strikemaster MK88, de Havilland DH 112 Venom and a few other followed shortly after. I headed back to work and it dawned on me that this weekend was the “Classic Flyers Airshow”, that explains it.

The next day at home the sky started to shake as one after one the classic flyers started to practice their tricks high above and fly directly over our house. Which was an awesome treat that we could get on with the duties of the day, then when we heard them coming run outside to watch the show, for hours they passed overhead practicing dog fights. What a nice little long weekend bonus.

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