October 7th – Final day with the Phillips family.

The morning began with breakfast and a beach swim. The surf was the calmest we’ve seen since arriving, perfect for gently bobbing up and down or catching the occasional wave. I watched someone body surfing all the way to shore, thinking they’d caught a great wave – then realized it was Jacob. I swam with Chris, Matt, Issy, Jacob, and Emma before heading in to watch Saoirse in the sand, while Kit took her turn in the water. Saoirse buried my feet and built a fort with Ben, then I took her into the waves for a bit.

We headed back home for lunch and coffee but squeezed in a quick pool swim first. Feeling tired, I had a nap, but not before we said big goodbyes to Anna, Matt, and Ben. It was quite emotional, though Anna reassured me they’d visit us soon. After my nap, we gathered for pre-dinner snacks, colouring, and chatting. Later, we had tacos for dinner with Chris, Emma, Jacob, Chelsea, Issy, Mum, Dad, Isaac, Finn, and Saoirse.

Once dinner was done, there was a round of good-natured antics from the kids and clean-up for the adults. Then we had to say the next round of goodbyes to Chris, Emma, Chelsea, Jacob, and Issy. This farewell hit even harder. Chris promised a visit mid-next year, but Emma was already working on coming earlier, which was heartening. There was a big, funny group hug involving Jacob, Chelsea, Issy, Nanna, and Grandad before the final goodbyes.

We spent the rest of the night tidying up with Kit, Daniel, Mum, and me, moving bags near the door for tomorrow’s checkout. The kids were overtired, excited, and a bit difficult to settle. We relaxed upstairs, watching part of a movie while I brushed Saoirse’s hair, then we eventually managed to get them into bed.

We’ll be staying at Daniel’s parents’ beach unit for two nights – Tuesday and Wednesday – then heading to Stephen and Anita’s for two nights, Thursday and Friday. I’ll be seeing Jess on Friday, followed by the Jaensch family get-together on Saturday. After that, we’ll head back to Kit and Daniel’s for our final night before they drop us at the airport early Sunday morning.

Sunday will be a travel day, arriving home in the early afternoon. We’ll need to pick up groceries for the week, unpack, and do the washing. Monday is a day off work to unwind, though Finn and Saoirse will still go to school – I hope they’ll be alright and not too tired.

I’ll be back at work on Tuesday morning, which I’m already anticipating will be tough. I need to find a way to ease back into the routine without too much unhappiness. It’s sad that I already feel a sense of dread about returning, and it’s still seven days away. I must remind myself to stay mindful and enjoy the next week.